Reflections of Hope Wednesday, July 01 2015
June has always been a month of renewal for me , as spring says good bye and the summer enters with a burst of sunshine and heat. June is like the second New Year (in the same year) . . . it energizes me to action with the reminder of goals, visions and dreams not yet completed. The reminder is not one of defeat nor condemnation, but of grace and mercy from the Father to regain focus to persevere through the next six months. The month of June has the longest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, so what will you do with this extra time? You are invited to join me in a time of rest . . . exhale. In this moment, interrupt your schedule for a time of strategic planning . . . just you and God in prayer. Nope! Don’t wait to call a meeting. Please don’t verbalize one excuse. Reschedule your calendar by deleting 50 minutes of social media activities per day and replace the time with a spiritual siesta. This is a call for you to slow down, read your Bible, pray for guidance, and to listen deeply as you write what you hear. Finally, stretch your body and fill your mind with thoughts of faith for the manifestation of goals. Now drink some water and take a praise walk. Testimony:I am so excited about what happened in June. Especially, how powerfully God revealed Himself at the conference with the women of AWSA (Advance Writers and Speakers Association) in Orlando. I can hardly wait to see what God is going to do in July, as we all operate in the Spirit of Christ . . . free! Share your spiritual siestas of freedom (comments) with us on: Facebook@ Trinitywholenessministries and Twitter Karynthia Phillips @QT_HisTime |