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Retreat Register Here

Begin the year with a Fresh Start with women of vision and hope.  This will be a time of silence and listening for direction, renewal of vision/goals and fellowship.  Karynthia Phillips and friends will facilitate teaching to empower attendees to practice self-care, offering strategies, prayer napping, self-care action plans, and plenty of laughter, tears, faith walks, and covenent meals.

Register below using the form.

Payment is $150 includes: Supplies - book and journal, meals, and assessments.

Payment of $225 inclues: Supplies - book and journal, meals, and assessments including overnight sleep over Friday night.

Payment options are given below the form. This is a 2 step process:

   1.  Complete and submit form.

   2.  Make payment through one of the options provided below the form.

Step One: Complete Registration Form
Payment Options
Cash APP
Cash APP
